
Sunday hangout: teaching, tea, & tech debate

Hi everyone, no notes today because… I’m lazy.

If you’d like notes, or they are helpful to you, let us know and I’ll do better next time!



Sunday hangout: starting a business, future music, & tech stuff

Alex and Rob got together again on Sunday afternoon to catch up and just talk about whatever is on their minds.

Unavoidably, the first bit is about Coronavirus news impacting all of our lives. If you’ve had enough of that, feel free to skip up to 6 minutes, because there’s an update about Josh and COVID-19.

After that bit, you can also skip ahead to about 19 minutes where we get into the meat of the discussion.

Alex is the co-founder of Beyond This Point, a non-profit experimental percussion group. Rob asks about how you actually start something like that, and more broadly how a non-profit works.

A Buddhist monk that left his friend hangin… leads to a longer discussion about movie endings that leave you hanging (often for a good reason).

Can you think of examples where the future of music is represented in film? Usually science fiction speculates on the future of technology, social norms, and even fashion, but is it impossible to create speculative/futuristic music?


Sunday hangout: let’s try to talk about something else

A few minutes in the beginning Rob shares how this pandemic is taking a toll on him, but this doesn’t need to be a downer episode!

Alex and Rob talk about remote work, the pros and cons of it, and how he is adapting to teaching music online and being creative with a virtual group of people.

Rob talks about his affinity for all kinds of technology that creates a sense of shared space, like Zoom, Echo Show with a faraway friend, and other tools.

We ponder about how else these drastic times might create a positive culture shift.

Links to specific apps and sites mentioned:



Berlin Philharmonic – Digital Concert Hall (giving free membership if signing up before March 31)

IDAGIO (has free plan)

*Note if you are using Spotify, they don’t support links. Either try a “real” podcast app, or visit our site:

Also feel free to say hello to @sorrytopic on Twitter, or maybe we can all Zoom together!