
Rob is lazy, and OTHER topics with special guest: Mike Rapin

Josh is still too busy to catch up lately, so I invited our mutual friend Mike Rapin to substitute in his absence. He does an… okay job.

In this episode we go way back to our early podcasting days with live Ustream feeds and the TalkShoe service that let people “call in” to our podcast recording

We also talked about chat and texting services like Slack versus Discord, and Telegram versus WhatsApp, Line, and Facebook Messenger.
Learn about our Telegram group on the podcast’s about page

Remember way back in Episode 1 when Josh and I talked about finding friends as an adult is almost like dating? Mike was the one who told us about Patook back then, the app where you make a quasi-dating profile but it’s platonic

Check out Mike’s podcasts. Seriously, they’re an inspiration to us all:
Getting Caught Up
I Read Comic Books – now in its 5th year!!
@mikerapin on Twitter and social things

Find Rob on Twitter as @robrogan or say hello to us all in the Telegram group 🙂


The Coffee Episode

0 minutes – 15 minutes: some updates about the podcast website and social media stuff.

15m – 44m: Coffee talk.

44m – 50m: Halloween, shitty costumes, and abusing Apple’s generous refund policy.

50m – 58m: Apple is starting to over-promise and under-deliver.

58m – End: Rob introduces a podcast challenge, you know, for “content.”

More details and links:

We’ve got our website up and running! The HOPEFULLY easy-to-remember domain is We also set up a bunch of social channels like a public group on Telegram, and a Twitter handle: @sorrytopic.

Check out another “hangout” podcast: Getting Caught Up with a couple of more interesting people, Mike and Jeff.

The Beers:

Josh: mysterious beer sitting in the fridge for months

Rob: 21st Amendment IPA

The Coffee:

Rob has been getting really into coffee lately. He refers to The Coffee Podcast and about finding some online guides for making snobby coffee at home. Intelligentsia has a lot.

Josh on the other hand appreciates fancy coffee but is very lazy about it at home. He’s been using a Keureg some days, and other times he gets hours-old leftovers from his Airpot. One of those pump action things you’ll see at conferences and big meetings.

The Challenge:

To spice things up, Rob suggests a simple challenge to try something new for a week or two. We’ll report back with the results!

Challenge for Josh: wake up and make fresh coffee one morning this week. Here’s the French press guide. He also needs to write a bio for the website.